Tuesday, October 19, 2010


we.love.craftgasms! you know, when you find a project that comes together lickety-split and is completely adorable...this headband is the perfect example!

it took me less than five minutes, and the total cost of materials is definitely less than $.50!

it's so easy you don't even need a picture tutorial....pick out some colorful buttons from your stash in varying sizes and colors. then use your beloved hot glue gun to attach them together in stacks of three. then hot glue the button stacks to a basic wire headband (this one came in a pack of 8 from the dollar store!!) and VOILA!! a totally satisfying craft in practically no time!

(on a side note...i'd like to assure you that the dark root issue present in this photo has been taken care of since the picture was taken!)
this particular craftgasm will get you lots of attention and pleas from your friends to make one for them! what could be better?!

1 comment:

  1. Umm.... HELLO!!! I'm your fellow contributor and you have not offered to make me one yet.... I'll take 4. :)
